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Local DMV Gaindes Player Basheer N’Diaye Selected for Maryland Team 1

May 11, 2024 0 Comments 4 tags

DMV Gaindes’ Basheer N’Diaye (U15) has been selected to compete for Maryland Team 1 in the East Region ODP (Olympique Development Program) Tournament! The tournament will be held from June 5th to June 9th in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This is a fantastic accomplishment for Basheer N’Diaye (and the DMV GAINDES SOCCER ACADEMY), who is just 13 years old.

The ODP program is a prestigious development program for young soccer players in the United States. It provides players with the opportunity to train and compete with some of the best players in their age group from across the country. Being selected for the Maryland Team 1 is a testament to Basheer N’Diaye’s talent and hard work, and also the quality of the Gaindes’ training program.

The tournament will be a great opportunity for N’Diaye to showcase his skills and continue his development as a player. We wish him all the best in the tournament!


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